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Andrew treats a wide range of health conditions, including (but not limited to): pain; back, knee and joint issues; digestive problems; PMS; menopause; insomnia; anxiety and depression; fatigue; poor concentration; and also 'Long Covid' or Post-Viral Syndrome. 


Andrew's holistic approach includes coaching on: diet; lifestyle; and physical, psychological, and spiritual health and self-development as an integral part of the healing process.


Andrew uses the many healing modalities at his disposal, principally: Acupuncture, TCM Herbal Formulas, Moxabustion, Cupping, and other TCM methods. 


Andrew also has the ability to work very directly on your Qi Energy (life-energy) due to his extensive training and practice of the esoteric methods of the Taoist, Tibetan, and Native American traditions.


Andrew has highly developed sensitivity to his clients' physical, energetic, and psycho-spiritual state; which allows him to intuit the causes of their issues and the necessary treatments and guidance, above and beyond the standard (but effective) diagnosis methods of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).



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Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a highly developed, sophisticated system of healing that views the human being as a holistic entity, comprising the physical (Body), the life-energy (Energy)​, and the psycho-spiritual (Mind). In Chinese, these three aspects of your being are termed Jing, Qi, and Shen.


In turn, we are considered to be part of another holistic unity of three: Heaven (the cosmos), Earth, and Man (humanity). These are called Tian, Di, and Ren in Chinese. Human beings - 'Man' - sit between the Cosmos and Earth, and are an inseparable part of the triumvirate. This practical and spiritual philosophy derives from the Taoist tradition.


This incredibly holistic philosophy means that TCM understands all illness as potentially linked not only to all aspects of your being but also to the external aspects of your environment, climate, lifestyle, types of food, the seasons, and so on. This allows for a much more profound diagnosis of the root cause of illness and ill-health than the often reductionist and non-holistic paradigm of Western medicine.


A doctor of TCM seeks to discern the pattern of disharmony in the physical, energetic, and psycho-spiritual systems of his or her patient, in order to discover which remedies and adjustments are needed.


These can then take the form of direct interventions in the energetic flows of the body (the Qi) through Acupuncture, Cupping, Moxabustion (the burning of medicinal herbs such as mugwort near specific points), and therapies such as Gua Sha (a scraping massage to stimulate the areas of the body where there is blockage and pain).


Other remedies take the form of TCM herbalism, most commonly in the West, with easy-to-take formula tablets or powders, which both act on the Qi energy level of the patient, and also on a biochemical level.


As part of the assessment of a patient, the practitioner observes the pulses, tongue, facial colour, posture, voice quality, movement patterns, and state of the patient's Shen or 'spirit' to help them decipher the nature and underlying causes of the issues presented.


Additionally, the practitioner will ask questions regarding lifestyle, diet, environment, emotional life, and many other factors in order to build up a comprehensive picture of the influences action upon the patient.


TCM diagnosis and treatment operates according to the principle of 'Roots and Branches', meaning that the 'Roots' or causes of the health issues are discerned along with the 'Branches' or symptoms of the condition. Treatment is never only symptomatic, ie. of the 'Branches', but always addresses the Root cause of the problem at the same time.



Acupuncture is a primary mode of treatment in TCM, that uses extremely fine needles - they are actually more like very fine wires - inserted at specific points of the body that correspond to 'Energy Gates' or switches and transformers in a person's system of life-energy or Qi channels. 


Each of these Acupuncture Points has a specific function and relates to specific areas of the body, conditions, and internal organs. This is both a technically developed system of treatment, and an organic process whereby the intention and Qi power of the practitioner influences and catalyses a reaction in the patient that is above and beyond just the physical insertion of the needles. In this sense it is important to find a practitioner with whom you have a good healing connection.


Acupuncture is largely painless, as the needles are extremely fine and and smooth, and most sensations felt during treatment are actually the Qi reaction to the treatment rather than any physical sensation.


By treating a patient with acupuncture the doctor of TCM seeks to readjust the pattern of imbalance or disharmony in the patient's Qi energy, allowing for healing at all levels: Physical, Energetic, and Mental, Emotional and Spiritual.



Like all ancient healing traditions, Traditional Chinese Medicine makes use of plant, animal, and mineral substances for healing. In fact, many Western pharmaceutical drugs are based on plant medicines; such as Penicillin (mold fungus), Aspirin (Willow bark), Digitalis (Foxglove), and even antivirals such as Tamiflu (Star Anise).


What distinguishes TCM herbalism from many other herbalist systems is the highly sophisticated paradigm underlying it: it classifies all plant, mineral, and animal substances according to their energetic qualities, the areas of the body and organs they affect, and their actions on the different levels of your being: Body, Energy, or Mind (Jing, Qi, and Shen).


This understanding is then woven into a complex understanding of the formulation of multiple herbs together. In TCM formulas there is the 'Emperor' herb (the one that represents the main therapeutic action of the formula), the 'Minister' herbs (that support, enhance, and address symptoms), the 'Assistant' herbs (that counteract any potential side effects), and the 'Courier' herbs (that guide the actions of the other herbs to specific parts of the body and/or balance the formula as a whole).


The sophistication of this approach sets TCM herbalism apart from almost any other system, traditional or modern. The synergy between the multiple herbs in combination creates a 'whole is more than the sum of its parts'  enhancement of therapeutic effect. This has been noted also in biochemical studies of TCM formulas.


This knowledge is not only theoretically derived; there are centuries of clinical practice, debate, and experimentation behind this knowledge. In fact TCM herbalism is an ever-evolving science, as lifestyles and health issues also change and evolve.


TCM Formulas are easy to take, in concentrated tablet or dissolvable powder form - there is no boiling up of herbs etc.


It is important to note that modern TCM formulations do not use any endangered animal or plant species. There are many ethical alternatives that are highly effective - endangered species ingredients are strictly a black market issue. Additionally, all reputable sources of TCM herbs and formulas are nowadays highly tested for purity and can be taken with confidence.


Andrew has extensive authentic training and experience in the esoteric healing traditions of Taoism, Tibetan mantra and spiritual healing, and Native American spiritual healing methods. 


Through his decades of practice, Andrew has actualised many of these abilities: developing his healing intuition, his ability to influence the energy and spirit of his clients directly, the ability to transmit knowledge, understanding, and deeper connection to people, and the ability to summon and work with esoteric forces for healing.


They greatly enhance Andrew's ability to help others, whether through treatment, coaching, or both.



TEL.: +44 20 7193 8418


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